Travel The Bucket List

Temples of Angkor Wat

The Temples of Angkor Wat at Siem Reap Cambodia are one of the worlds wonders, and easily included on my bucket list.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

The Temple of Angkor Wat itself, is just the start of a diverse range of over 50 accessible temples, some famously used in movies like Tomb Raider & Indiana Jones.

On the whim of a cheap return airfare, I made a last minute decision to visit this area with side trips via Singapore & Hong Kong, and engaged a local private guide for 2 days to take me on a custom itinerary.

Siem Reap in Cambodia is a clash of standards. Some restaurants can be under $10 for a very good meal, others charging western standards. A foot massage for $1-2 only, Tuk Tuks are cheap yet the temple guides are quite expensive, charging in US$. Entry Visa is too expensive and there are reports of inappropriate tips demanded by customs personell; and your luggage is not even secure after checkin at the airport. It’s all enough to make it a once in a lifetime experience, and I mean only once sadly.

I had the fortune of mostly fine weather, not too hot, and rain held off. If it had been raining, you are very exposed, long walks from carpark to temple on dirt that would turn to mud quickly, and the temples that could be climbed, would be far riskier if wet. You will gather from the photos below how steep the climbs can be.

The tour highlights would have to be the temples where nature was trying to take over, ie Ta Phrom, Beng Mealea and Ta Som, or, the colours and reliefs of Bantaey Srie & Preah Ko. But climbing the heights of Baphoun, Bakong & East Mebon also leave a lasting impression.

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