First day of driving, I collected the car as the shop opened and made my way to Rossyln Chapel, south of Edinburgh.
Da Vinci Code increased attention to this beautiful chapel. The carving work inside is better than most everywhere else I have explored.
Yes, you can go downstairs there, but don’t expect the trapdoors and rooms of the movie. Rossyln is not a big chapel, but there is significant amount of craftsmanship in this chapel, so if you want to indulge in the symbology, they have good guide information, and every turn, is more intricate detail to marvel.
Last point of interest, is the Cat. Rossyln has a famous (I’m told) resident cat; who is clearly adored and spoilt by the staff and tourists.
I was not aware of the level of craftsmanship before arriving, and was enthralled. It’s nice to have expectations surpassed. Sorry, no photo’s permitted inside this chapel.