Travel The Bucket List

New York 2008

Sold a business and needed an extended break, so New York was the start of fulfilling a few Bucket List opportunities. I had fleetingly visited New York before, but this was the first chance to take the family and stretch the legs.

We arrove late, near midnight, checked into the Grand Hyatt NY, and still wired from the flight, decided to walk to Times Square for a meal in the chill 1% early December night. No shortage of restaurant options at midnight, some with queue’s waiting to be seated.

Hit the usuals, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island, The Intrepid and of course, a walk to and through Central Park. A visit to the Central Park Zoo even enjoyed a dusting of snow.

We only scheduled a few days, and it was not nearly enough to do justice to all the attractions. Snuck in Spamalot & Wicked on Broadway, another bucket list item ticked. The theatres themselves were elegant, creating a wonderful setting & atmosphere to the talent on stage.

Had a skate in Central Park in one of Trump’s rinks. Bucket List ticked, but a little disappointing that the skate rentals were horrible. Rock hard & uncomfortable, I can only hope they address that in the future.

No shortage of shopping choices, but you really can’t top Macy’s for “decking the halls”. New York is much more than a few day stopover, so a return remains on the Bucket List.

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