Travel The Bucket List

About me 2

We are all, ultimately, the sum of our experiences. Our choices in life make up who we are now; but, that should not limit who or where we want to be tomorrow, at any age.

Morals, ethics, belief’s & experiences can make the core of a person, but I firmly believe the future is what you make of it. Do you want to Live ? or just Exist ?

Travel to me is not only the landmark at the destination, but the people I meet along the way. The chat on the ski lift, giving a brief insight to why another person shares your passion for skiing. The courteous exchange of a smile and Good Morning when out walking the dogs. The restaurant, theatre, concert, transport etc, all avail a glimpse of another persons way of life, their passions for their pets, food, plays, artists, travel and so many things that lead to appreciating how they got there.

I am an Australian single man over 50, who enjoys the love of a 20+ daughter & son, 2 fluffy dogs & a B&G Macaw. I am fortunate to have some close friends, albeit some geographically distant.

Music has been a big part of my life, and where foodies blog about their restaurants & meals, my blog will include what I am listening to, and attempts to see Artists in my travels. Not fan based travel, just opportunistic. Many artists don’t (or rarely) travel to Australia, so if the chance prevails, I’ll try to see some favourites in the countries I visit.

As example, on a Korean stopover to a ski trip to Japan,  I saw a billboard promoting Mamma Mia with the original London Cast. Worked out it was walking distance from the hotel, and concierge arrange a ticket for me an hour before show time. The show was great, but the experience of sitting with a Korean audience, enjoying the show on a 2 second delay as they read the translation screens either side of stage; to use the cliché, Priceless !

I have appreciated Trip Advisor over the years. Much better to have (hopefully) genuine reviews of something, than be swayed by the glossiest brochure. To give back to that resource I have derived so much from, I started writing reviews in 2013, and based on the number of helpful votes and page views, figured a travel blog of my own could be appropriate. A way to journal my pursuit of the Bucket List, and connect with others. I hope you enjoy my posts
